travel estonia tallinn city wall

The Old Town wall is one of the first things you encounter when coming from the harbor.
Here a squat tower shelters beind it a gateway to the city.
The wall reappeared again on the higher slopes of Toompea and then again on the far side of the castle.
TRAVEL: August 2009

This location has earned an over-all four star (very good) rating from
Travel Fanatics Unlimited
unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc

Exterior view of the wall, Tallinn, Estonia, 2009.

Exterior view of the wall, Tallinn, Estonia, 2009.

Coming from the harbor, this is the first tower of the wall of the old town you come to, Tallin, Estonia, 2009.

To the right of the tower above, is this gateway through the wall, Tallinn, Estonia, 2009.

Gate in city wall, Tallin, Estonia, 2009.

Part of the city wall, Tallin, Estonia, 2009.

Exterior view of the wall, Tallinn, Estonia, 2009.

Near the top of Toompea, and not far from the Nevsky Cathedral, is this shady courtyard next to the wall, Tallin, Estonia (2009).

Detail of the wall with a contemporary adaptation on the shady courtyard, Tallin, Estonia, 2009.

Lynn and I, Tallin, Estonia, 2009.
copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised may 2020